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Тексты на английском языку 5 класс
I would like to earn my own money and become more independent. I am glad all the members of my family have their breakfast at the same time.
We have here our meals. Вот французская сказка из этой книги, которая называется «Подарки Феи» Fairy Gifts. I usually have a birthday party at home and we have a big meal. That's what I like shopping for.
My hobby is drawing. Sometimes, the weather gets cold. We are a friendly family and try to understand and support each other in any situation. My family is friendly and loving. Happy birthday to you. He said, "There is no wolf. I read books by different authors: Russian, Ukrainian, German, and English. They left her stay there and go on with her lessons. Попробуйте читать хотя бы 2-3 текста ежедневно, это займет всего 5-10 минут. The best place for me to spend summer holidays is the Crimean Mountains. On the North side of Trafalgar Английскои is the National Gallery. I love my англиийском тексты на английском языку 5 класс 2.
In Westminster Abbey in London there is a large stone which has an interesting history. I am glad I have such a friend as Yura. When I visit her at her home, she always cooks something tasty. Тексты очень легкие и подойдут к школьной программе.
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